Be Silly, Be Free.

top, hand-me-down / dress, target / shoes, kmart

Well it's that time of year, isn't it? The time when I throw on some random clothes that I wouldn't wear throughout the rest of the year and just prance around. The silly season.

I really love this dress. The pattern is just gorgeous and the colour is beautiful as well. I just really don't like the cut; the spaghetti straps and the cut of the top. So I put on a top underneath! It kind of looks bizarre but I'm a comfort > everything type of girl; most of the time.

I actually had heaps of fun in the garden of my unit, dancing around and being free. I guess it was doomsday when I took these, I probably was in a #YOLO type mood. Haha, at least we're all still here! Maybe I can prance around in the garden again!