
dress, uniqlo / shirt, target / shoes, naturaliser / bag, cplay

It's been a long time since we've talked, hey? I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want to be here anymore (I actually really do so much!) it's just that the pace of life these days has swept me off my feet. Don't believe me? Look at my ankle.

I've been really busy with rehearsals and performances for the annual Schools Spectacular show. Which was super amazing and actually more spectacular than you ever could've imagined.

Even after Spec I had rehearsals for my annual ballet concert and a performance at school too. And then I rolled my ankle... I still performed last Monday at school but I had to help backstage on Tuesday at my ballet concert. I was really disappointed since it was meant to be my first pas de deux ever. But I guess these things happen to all of us.

I'm recovering well now! Except for the fact that I have one kankle most days...

Schools almost out for 2012 (7 days to go!) and I seriously can't wait for the holidays. I will definitely be blogging more and maybe a bit of vlogging? What do you guys think, what do you want to see? Maybe some dance related stuff?!

Anyway, hope all your ankles are doing better than mine! x