naoshima / teshima

(07/12/16 - 09/12/16)

most of the art museums and installations had photography prohibited but here is a glimpse of the beautiful and extremely peaceful islands of naoshima and teshima. naoshima was so small that you could walk from one side to the other (short side) in just under an hour, and teshima was even smaller than that, but there was so much to see. probably the most expensive part of my solo trip, but it was definitely worth almost not being able to get back to the mainland because i almost ran out of cash (had to cut out one art museum from my itinerary).

super recommend!
  • benesse art house museum + outdoor installations
  • honmura art house project
  • pubilc bath, i love yu
  • ando museum
  • lee ufan museum
  • chichu art museum
  • teshima art gallery
  • les archives du coeur
