hey you

top, japan / skirt, adidas / socks, pulp kitchen / shoes, t.u.k. / necklace, the giving keys

I've convinced myself that I have nothing to do right now (I need to pack for camp), so I thought I'd write a little something while I wait with my super excited mother for Resurrection to start. Reppin' the fam bam in Okinawa with this kinda cheesy tshirt that my grandma sent me. On the back it says 'do your best!' and maybe my mind is subconsciously telling me not to give up with a week left until the holidays (!!). Also I'm swoon over these Pulp Kitchen socks; but I still can't figure out if it just says 'hey you' with a cutie number 8 in the middle, or it says 'hey8 you' as in 'h8 u.' Depends on the people who are stepping on the back of my heels? Well, I'll be off to year 10 sports camp tomorrow so I better get packing (after Resurrection though). Hope you all have a lovely rest of the week.

今は何もやる事が無いと思い込んでいて(後でスクールキャンプの準備をしなきゃ)、「Resurrection」が始まる前にブログを更新しようと思った。沖縄のおばあちゃんが送ってくれたTシャツにお下がりのadidasのスカートを合わせた。Tシャツの後ろには「ちばりよー」って書いてある。「がんばって!」って言う意味だって。ちょっと色が地味だから、紫と緑のPulp Kitchenの靴下を合わせたよ。「Resurrection」が始まったからまた今度ブログを更新する時にね。みんなもちばりよー!
