
tavi, tavi gevinson, opera house, sydney opera house, ideas at the house, benjamin law, sydney, tavi's big big world, rookie, rookie mag
tavi, tavi gevinson, opera house, sydney opera house, ideas at the house, benjamin law, sydney, tavi's big big world, rookie, rookie mag
tavi, tavi gevinson, opera house, sydney opera house, ideas at the house, benjamin law, sydney, tavi's big big world, rookie, rookie mag
tavi, tavi gevinson, opera house, sydney opera house, ideas at the house, benjamin law, sydney, tavi's big big world, rookie, rookie mag
tavi, tavi gevinson, opera house, sydney opera house, ideas at the house, benjamin law, sydney, tavi's big big world, rookie, rookie mag
tavi, tavi gevinson, opera house, sydney opera house, ideas at the house, benjamin law, sydney, tavi's big big world, rookie, rookie mag
tavi, tavi gevinson, opera house, sydney opera house, ideas at the house, benjamin law, sydney, tavi's big big world, rookie, rookie mag, views of now, izzy, isabella wight

(I am back!)

Last Sunday was a day full of smiles (= aching cheek muscles) and heaps of excitement! Overly excited from way too early in the morning about meeting Izzy from Views of Now (aka one of my favourite bloggers!). Shanni and I took her to Pancakes on the Rocks and a little stroll to Topshop and Princess Polly before we parted ways and met again at the Opera House for the Tavi event. Her fam bam (+ Kurt) was super lovely and she was so cute!
Nina and Anna joined us at two o'clock for Tavi's Big Big World at 17. We were super excited about her speech, let alone meeting her! All four of us were screaming silently on the way home, conversation was not possible. Tavi was more than what I was expecting: fabulous, cute and intelligent, also beautifully eloquent (did I use that word correctly?). She was amazing!

先週の日曜日は朝から夕方まで家を出ていました。朝ごはんは家で食べないで Views of Nowの Izzyちゃんと一緒に Pancakes on the Rocks で食べました。イチゴがいっぱいのホットケーキをたべたよ。その後、Izzyちゃんとちょっとシティーをぶらぶらしました。2時に、になちゃんとアナちゃんと駅で会ってタヴィ ・ジェヴィンソンのイベントのためにオペラハウスまで歩きました。タヴィ ・ジェヴィンソンのイベントはとても楽しかったです!タヴィさんは若い女の子むけに「自分らしさ」のスピーチをしました。スピーチの後にQ&Aがありました。イベントの後、タヴィ ・ジェヴィンソンの雑誌「Rookie Mag」のサイン会がありました。私はサインとタヴィさんと一緒に写真を撮りました!とっても楽しい一日でした。
