+ Vivian

Today was a very, very nice day. I went out to the city with the lovely, lovely Vivian! She is super adorable and super amazing! We went out to buy a gift for a friend and just nice stuff for ourselves.

We met up at Central and walked our way to Market City in Chinatown. Crazy because Vivian has like never been there! Anyway, we went to Rubi and Jay Jays and Vivian has already spent almost $50. She's crazy. She bought some really funky boots that were reduced to $15 from $60 (score!), and a Minnie Mouse shirt from Jay Jays. I bought a matching shirt too! Aren't we cute?

Then we walked our way to Pitt St. On our way there we were on the lookout for cute clothes, but I ended up at Fuji Pan! I bought a raspberry pie and green tea melon bread. SUPER DELICIOUS.

When we got to Pitt St we got Moochi. It was Vivian's first time having Moochi, which was pretty exciting. Today I had pomegranate yoghurt with strawberries and crumble. It tasted really good, probably the best combination that I have tried so far (though I am yet to try green tea yoghurt or the mochi toppings).

At this point we had decided that we weren't really shopping for things anymore, we were just hanging around and having fun. So we decided to walk to Broadway (which Vivian had only been to once!) but we didn't really look around, we went to the park opposite the shopping centre. We had so much fun at the park. I'm not joking. We took weird random photos and laughed our heads off. And we took some beautiful polaroids too.

This was inside the shopping mall, in the food court.

The park all blurry! (I'm a bit obsessed with unfocused scenery pictures at the moment)

Vivian being her gorgeous self.


This was on the way home.

When I think back about today it makes me smile. It was so much fun hanging with Vivian, and she is super gorgeous! VIVIAN, WE SHOULD GO AGAIN! Though my feet are killing me at the moment from all the walking we did today...