mbffs trends two

Bless'ed are the Meeks

Bless'ed are the Meeks


Roopa Pemmaraju

Staple the Label

Staple the Label

Easton Pearson


Camilla and Marc

Camilla and Marc

Part two of the MBFFS Trends show. Here it goes! My favourite from this set is Camilla and Marc. I love the silhouette, colour palette and the sidewalk like pattern (if you know what I mean). The structured look with the bold colours/pattern is drool-worthy. I also loved the patterns by Staple the Label and Bless'ed are the Meeks. Also the sheer plaid shirt from Zambesi; super sexy.

MBFFSのパート2。この中で私が一番好きだったのはCamilla and Marcです。色、柄、デザインが全部超素敵!Staple the LabelとBless'ed are the Meeksの柄もすごく可愛いと思う。そしてZambesiのチェックのシャツがめっちゃカッコいいと思います!
