Fair Day

My mum and her friends at the Japanese stall

Two days ago, on Sunday, was the biannual fair day at my local primary school. I love school fêtes, especially at my old primary school, because there is a great variety of food from heaps of different cultures and a whole bunch of fun stuff! This year there was a lot of great food, fun rides, awesome entertainment and some cute little stalls.

Vietnamese, cakes, Thai and flowers to name a few; but you could also pick up some great books, second-hand clothes and toys and some cool crafty things!

It was also the school's 30th anniversary so here are some of it's birthday cakes! Aren't they just so cute, almost too cute to eat!

Super yum food that I consumed!

Entertainment included music (including our very own Damien Leith), dance and martial arts demonstrations, aikido to be exact. And omg, isn't the tiniest boy from the aikido demo so precious?!

And, of course, what's a fair without some rides?! This time around we had a giant inflatable slide, a free fall, a jumping castle and the turning cup things. The kids on the looked like they were having heaps of fun but I didn't go on any. I think I'm getting a bit too old...

denim jacket, vintage / tshirt, target / floral skirt, supre

Instead of screaming our lungs out on one of the rides I went down to the bottom of the school with two of my primary school friends and we kind of went a little crazy, as you can see above... Yeah, especially Nina. She gave us a free lesson on her version of yoga, dance and zumba! The most hilarious thing I'd seen for the whole day! Nina is epic.

All the polaroids from Sunday. I kind of went a little overboard and took a whole bunch!

And of course, free sweets at the end of the day! Those in the photo are some marshmallow + rice pops thing, I'm not sure. But it tasted really nice! We also got a whole heap of free fairy floss too! Probably more than we should've had... haha!